Kalana Ispat IPO Review - Issue Date, Price, GMP, Subscription, Allotment, Lot Size, and Details

About Kalana Ispat Limited

In the year 2012, Mr. Aftabhusen S. Khandwawala and Varghese Joseph Pottakerry collaborated and laid down the foundation of Kalana Ispat. Initially, the Company was engaged in trading metal scraps, which were procured through imports from various countries, sourced from ship breaking yards and local merchants. As the business progressed, the Company ventured into manufacturing M.S. Billets and set up its manufacturing unit in Ahmedabad, Gujarat in the year 2015. Today, the Company is engaged in manufacturing M.S. Billets and Alloy Steel Billets/Ingots.

The Company carries out its operations from its manufacturing unit located at Survey No. 4/1 Taluka Sanand, Mouje Kala village, Ahmedabad. As on December 31, 2023, they were operating at their maximum capacity with installed capacity of 38000 M.T.

Steel is a de-regulated sector. The Government’s role is that of a facilitator which lays down the policy guidelines and establishes the institutional mechanism/structure for creating conducive environment for improving efficiency and performance of the steel sector. 

In this role, the Government has released the National Steel Policy 2017, which has laid down the broad roadmap for encouraging long term growth for the Indian steel industry, both on demand and supply sides, by 2030-31.

Government of India is implementing a Production-linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme for Specialty Steel. It is expected that the specialty steel production will reach 42 MT by the end of 2026-27. 

India’s crude steel capacity was 161.3 mt in 2022-23.

Price regulation of iron & steel was abolished on 16.1.1992. Since then, domestic steel prices are determined by the interplay of market forces. 

Domestic steel prices are influenced by trends in raw material prices, demand – supply conditions in the market, international price trends among others.

As a facilitator, the Government monitors the steel market conditions and adopts fiscal and other policy measures based on its assessment.

Steel is a de-regulated sector, Government acts as a facilitator, by creating conclusive policy environment for development of the steel sector. Government of India has notified National Steel Policy, 2017 which envisages development of a technologically advanced and globally competitive steel industry that provides environment for attaining self-sufficiency in steel production by providing policy support and guidance to steel producers. National Steel Policy covers all aspects of steel sector such as steel demand, steel capacity, raw material security, infrastructure and logistics, Research & Development (R&D) and energy efficiency. Overall projections of domestic crude steel capacity, production and per capita finished steel consumption value envisaged in the National Steel Policy (NSP) 2017.

Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme for Specialty Steel was approved by the Union Cabinet on 22.07.2021, with total financial outlay of Rs. 6,322 crore to promote the manufacturing of 'Specialty Steel' within the country by attracting capital investment, generate employment and promote technology up-gradation in the steel sector. The Scheme was notified in the official Gazette on 29.7.2021 and detailed Scheme guidelines were published on 20.10.2021. Post closure of application submission date on 15.09.2022 under the Scheme, total of 79 applications were received from 35 companies with total Investment Commitment of Rs. 46,030 crore, total Capacity commitment of 27,980 thousand tonnes. The applications were scrutinized by a selection committee consisting of members from NITI Aayog, DPIIT and Ministry of Steel. A total of 67 applications from 30 companies were recommended by the selection committee with total investment commitment of Rs. 42,493 crore and capacity commitment of 26,750 thousand tonne. On 17.03.2023, Ministry of Steel signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the 27 selected companies having 57 applications. This Scheme will attract total investment commitment of Rs. 29,530 crore with capacity addition of 24,780 thousand tonnes.

Steel Quality Control Order (QCO): Ministry of Steel has introduced Steel Quality Control Order (QCO) thereby banning sub-standard/ defective steel products both from domestic producers & imports to ensure the availability of quality steel to the industry, users and public at large. As per the Order, it is ensured that only quality steel conforming to the relevant BIS standards are made available to the end users. As on date 145 Indian Standards have been notified under the Quality Control Order covering carbon steel, alloy steel and stainless steel. Out of these, QCO on 144 Indian Standards have been enforced.

Research & Development (R&D): Ministry of Steel is providing financial assistance for pursuing Research & Development to address the technological challenges faced by the Iron & Steel sector. In this regard, in May 2023, Ministry of Steel has sought R&D Project proposals in joint collaborative mode from reputed Academic Institutions, Research Laboratories and Steel Companies for pursuing R&D projects on the identified thrust areas, for providing financial assistance under the R&D Scheme for the Financial Year 2023-24. The thrust areas for providing financial assistance under the R&D Scheme include development of new alternate processes & technologies to address the burning issues faced by the Iron & Steel Sector such as climate change (green steel production, H2 based steel production, CCUS etc.), waste utilization, resource efficiency, etc. The details of the R&D Scheme including guidelines for financial support and an indicative list of R&D projects that can be taken up to address common issues of the Iron & Steel Sector, have been uploaded on Ministry of Steel’s website in May 2023.

Domestically Manufactured Iron & Steel Products (DMI&SP) Policy for promoting procurement of Made in India Steel by government and public sector projects.

Notification of Steel Scrap Recycling Policy to enhance the availability of domestically generated scrap.

1. Experienced and Strong Management team
2. Capable Technical Personnel
3. Organized and focused marketing team
4. Cordial relations with their Customers and Suppliers
5. Location of their Manufacturing Unit 

1. Focusing on reduction of overheads
2. Exploring opportunities for forward integration
3. Continue to develop client relationships

1. The Company has opted for HTP-IV tariff for its power needs as are supplied to it by Uttar Gujarat Vij Company Limited.
2. The Company is yet to place order for installation of the Solar Power Plant and for machinery for setting up of their rolling mill, as mentioned in the Objects of the Issue.
3. The business operations are concentrated in Gujarat region, any adverse developments affecting their operations in this region could have a significant impact on their revenue and results of operations.
4. Their top five suppliers account for more than 40% of the raw material procured by them.
5. Their top five clients account for more than 74% of our revenue.


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