Australian Man Claims to be Secret Son of King Charles and Camilla, Demands DNA Test

Team Finance Saathi


Key Points:

  1. Simon Dorante-Day asserts he is the secret son of King Charles and Camilla, backed by years of personal investigation.
  2. Dorante-Day's claims are supported by physical resemblances and a narrative of royal connections through his adoptive family.
  3. He plans to take legal action during the royal visit to Australia, seeking a DNA test to confirm his lineage.

Simon Dorante-Day, a 57-year-old Australian living in Queensland but originally from Britain, has captured media attention with his persistent claim that he is the illegitimate son of King Charles III and Camilla, Queen Consort. Born in Gosport, Portsmouth, UK, in 1966 and adopted by Karen and David Day, Dorante-Day has spent years investigating his origins, driven by what he believes is compelling evidence of his royal ancestry.

Dorante-Day's narrative intertwines his personal history with intriguing royal connections. His adoptive grandparents, Winifred and Ernest Bowlden, had close ties to the British royal household, with Ernest being honored with an Imperial Service Award for his service. This familial link to the royal circle forms a significant part of Dorante-Day's conviction about his royal lineage.

In an interview with 7News, Dorante-Day emphasized his dedication to uncovering the truth about his parentage, stating that he and his wife, Dr. Elvianna Dorante-Day, have been meticulously gathering evidence. He remains discreet about specific details of his case, hinting at strategic legal maneuvers coinciding with the upcoming royal visit to Australia in October. "What am I going to do this time?" he pondered aloud. "Well, I’d be a very silly person not to take action when he comes into the same jurisdiction as me. But I think I’d be even sillier to reveal my hand prematurely."

Despite the sensational nature of his claims, Buckingham Palace has not publicly addressed Dorante-Day's assertions. Nevertheless, he continues to pursue validation with unwavering confidence, asserting that his quest is not motivated by "money or fame." He believes that a DNA test will unequivocally confirm his claims and potentially reveal others who were involved in a larger cover-up.

Dorante-Day's investigation led him to theorize that Charles and Camilla formed a close bond in 1965. He contends that during the critical period leading up to his birth, Camilla vanished from the public eye for approximately nine months, while Charles was sent to Australia. This timeline, according to Dorante-Day, aligns with his birth and subsequent adoption.

One of the pillars of Dorante-Day's argument is the physical resemblance he claims to share with Charles and Camilla. He points to various physical attributes—such as facial features, ears, hands, fingers, feet, toes, head shape, hair color, and body structure—as evidence supporting his assertions. These similarities, he argues, are too striking to be mere coincidence.

Dorante-Day's pursuit of a DNA test is not just a personal quest but a legal challenge. His strategy appears to hinge on leveraging the royal visit to Australia, which he sees as an opportunity to confront the issue within a legal framework. By doing so, he hopes to compel the royals to participate in a DNA test, bringing his long-standing claims to a definitive resolution.

As the royal visit approaches, Dorante-Day's story continues to garner media interest, capturing the imagination of those intrigued by the potential scandal and the quest for truth. His journey reflects a deep-seated desire for identity and closure, rooted in a complex web of personal history and royal intrigue.

In summary, Simon Dorante-Day's claims of being the secret son of King Charles III and Camilla are based on years of personal investigation and are bolstered by familial ties to the royal household, physical resemblances, and a compelling narrative of royal connections. His quest for a DNA test underscores a determined pursuit of truth and validation, poised to take a significant turn during the upcoming royal visit to Australia. While Buckingham Palace remains silent, Dorante-Day's story serves as a fascinating chapter in the ongoing saga of royal mysteries and personal identity.

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