Coal and Lignite PSUs Amplify Green Initiatives to Combat Desertification and Boost Land Restoration

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Key Points:

  1. Coal and Lignite PSUs have significantly increased coal production while enhancing environmental preservation through extensive afforestation and land reclamation efforts.
  2. The Ministry of Coal's report highlights the "Greening Initiative in Coal & Lignite PSUs", showcasing their contributions to land restoration, desertification control, and drought resilience.
  3. Innovative greening techniques such as seed ball plantation, drone-based seed casting, and Miyawaki plantation are being promoted to further these initiatives.

The Coal and Lignite Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs), under the guidance of the Ministry of Coal, have undertaken significant efforts to boost coal production to meet the rising energy demands of the nation while also prioritizing environmental preservation. These efforts include the reclamation of mined-out areas through extensive afforestation projects in coal-bearing regions. In alignment with the 30th anniversary of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) and World Environment Day 2024, which emphasizes land restoration, desertification, and drought resilience under the slogan “Our Land. Our Future. We are #GenerationRestoration”, the Ministry of Coal has released a comprehensive report titled "Greening Initiative in Coal & Lignite PSUs."

Commitment to Environmental Preservation

This report underscores the dedication of Coal and Lignite PSUs to environmental sustainability by detailing their efforts in restoring and rejuvenating mined-out lands through afforestation and ecological restoration projects. These initiatives are critical in combating desertification, enhancing drought resilience, and contributing to carbon sequestration and biodiversity conservation.

Secretary's Commendation and Innovative Techniques

Mr. Amrit Lal Meena, Secretary of the Ministry of Coal, commended the efforts of CMPDI and the Sustainability & Just Transition Division for compiling this insightful report. He expressed hope that the report would garner significant attention and encourage the adoption of innovative greening techniques such as seed ball plantation, drone-based seed casting, and Miyawaki plantation within coal mines.

Detailed Documentation and Future Roadmap

The report meticulously documents baseline data on the greening efforts of Coal/Lignite PSUs, validated through Remote Sensing Studies and on-site ground-truthing surveys. It provides mine-specific data on land usage, reclamation efforts, and plantation activities, both current and planned, within and outside project sites. Furthermore, the report outlines a strategic roadmap for future plantation initiatives until FY30, aiming for sustainable land reclamation and the effective use of mining-degraded lands.

Significant Achievements and Future Goals

Coal/Lignite PSUs have established green cover spanning approximately 50,000 hectares in coal mining regions. This includes the biological reclamation of 29,592 hectares of de-coaled land, 12,673 hectares of avenue plantations within mine leaseholds, and 7,735 hectares of plantations outside mine leaseholds. These efforts are estimated to create a carbon sink potential of approximately 2.5 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent per year.

Contribution to National Goals

The report is expected to reinforce the commitment to land reclamation among coal PSUs and contribute significantly to India's goal of achieving a carbon sink of 2.5 to 3.0 billion tonnes by 2030. This commitment to environmental sustainability is in line with global ambitions and underscores the coal sector's role in advancing land restoration and promoting ecological balance.

Access to the Report

The "Greening Initiative in Coal & Lignite PSUs" report is available on the Ministry of Coal's website, providing comprehensive insights into the ongoing and planned environmental initiatives within the coal sector.


The significant green initiatives undertaken by Coal and Lignite PSUs reflect a balanced approach to meeting the nation’s energy demands while ensuring environmental preservation. By integrating advanced greening techniques and focusing on sustainable land reclamation, these PSUs are not only enhancing local ecosystems but also contributing to global efforts in combating climate change and promoting biodiversity conservation.

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