Congress Kerala Appeals to Amitabh Bachchan for More Trains Amidst Overcrowding and Heat

Team Finance Saathi


Key Points:

  1. Congress Kerala appeals to Amitabh Bachchan to highlight the urgent need for more trains.
  2. Overcrowded train compartments and extreme heat create dire conditions for passengers.
  3. Criticism of Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw for not addressing the issue despite repeated requests.

The Congress Kerala unit has taken a unique step by appealing to legendary Bollywood actor Amitabh Bachchan to shed light on a critical issue impacting millions of ordinary Indian citizens: the acute shortage of trains to accommodate the country's growing population. This plea comes at a crucial time as the campaign for the seventh phase of the Lok Sabha elections, scheduled for June 1, approaches its final stages.

In a direct tweet to Amitabh Bachchan, the Congress Kerala unit highlighted the dire conditions faced by passengers on Indian trains, sharing a 40-second video that vividly illustrates the severity of the situation. The video shows an overcrowded train compartment where passengers struggle to find space and endure stifling heat, with some resorting to using plastic fans in an attempt to cool down. The scene depicted in the video is from Gorakhpur, a city in Uttar Pradesh, which is also the constituency of the current UP Chief Minister.

The Congress Kerala unit emphasized the urgency of the matter by stating, "We need a small help from you. Crores of ordinary people are forced to travel like this. Even the reserved compartments are packed with people. It is 52 degrees Celsius in North India, and this video is from Gorakhpur where the UP Chief Minister hails from." This statement underscores the gravity of the issue and the severe discomfort endured by passengers due to inadequate train services.

Addressing the broader context, the Congress Kerala unit pointed out the demographic challenges that India faces. "Our population grew by 14 crores in the last decade, and proportionately, a thousand trains should have been added. We've added quite a few Vande Bharats to the fleet even though half of them are running with very low occupancy," the unit added. This remark highlights the disconnect between the introduction of high-profile, low-occupancy trains like the Vande Bharat Express and the pressing need for more trains to serve the common people.

The party's criticism extended to Union Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw, accusing him of neglecting the requests for increasing the number of trains. According to the Congress Kerala unit, despite numerous appeals, the minister seems to respond only to issues highlighted by affluent individuals and celebrities, often of a minor nature, such as recovering a hacked Twitter account. This critique aims to draw attention to the perceived preferential treatment in addressing railway issues and the lack of responsiveness to the needs of ordinary citizens.

In their appeal to Amitabh Bachchan, the Congress Kerala unit stated, "Given your influence and commitment to social causes, we request you to tweet about this matter. Your support can help bring much-needed attention to the plight of these people and potentially inspire action." This call to action leverages Bachchan's immense popularity and his history of advocating for social causes, hoping that his endorsement will catalyze the necessary governmental response to improve railway services.

Detailed Analysis:

The Congress Kerala unit's appeal to Amitabh Bachchan is a strategic move to garner public attention and exert pressure on the Indian Railways and the government. Amitabh Bachchan, often referred to as the "Shahenshah" of Bollywood, has a massive following and is widely respected across India. His involvement in various social causes, such as polio eradication and tuberculosis awareness, demonstrates his influence and commitment to societal issues. By involving Bachchan, the Congress Kerala unit aims to amplify the voices of millions of ordinary passengers who suffer daily due to overcrowded trains and inadequate railway infrastructure.

The video shared by the Congress Kerala unit paints a stark picture of the current state of Indian Railways. Overcrowded compartments are a common sight, especially during peak travel seasons and in regions with high population density. The lack of sufficient trains forces passengers to travel in unsafe and uncomfortable conditions, exacerbated by extreme weather conditions like the 52 degrees Celsius heat mentioned in the video. This scenario not only poses health risks but also highlights the urgent need for infrastructural improvements.

The issue of train shortages is further compounded by the rapid population growth in India. With an increase of 14 crores in the last decade, the demand for public transportation has surged. However, the supply of trains has not kept pace with this demand. While the introduction of modern trains like the Vande Bharat Express is a step forward, their low occupancy rates suggest a misalignment with the needs of the average passenger. Instead of focusing solely on high-speed, high-profile trains, there is a pressing need to enhance the overall capacity and frequency of regular train services.

The criticism directed at Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw underscores the perceived inefficacy of the current administration in addressing railway issues. The Congress Kerala unit's allegation that the minister prioritizes minor issues brought up by celebrities over substantial public concerns reflects a broader sentiment of dissatisfaction among ordinary citizens. This critique aims to highlight the need for a more equitable and responsive approach to governance, where the voices of the common people are given due consideration.

In conclusion, the Congress Kerala unit's appeal to Amitabh Bachchan is a calculated effort to draw national attention to a pressing issue that affects millions of Indians. By leveraging Bachchan's influence, the party hopes to spur the government into action and address the severe overcrowding and inadequate train services that plague the Indian Railways. This initiative not only seeks to improve the immediate conditions for passengers but also aims to highlight the broader need for infrastructural development in India's public transportation system.

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