India Rejects China-Pakistan Joint Statement on Jammu and Kashmir, Reaffirms Territorial Sovereignty

Team Finance Saathi


Key Points

  1. India rejects the joint statement by China and Pakistan on Jammu and Kashmir as unwarranted and unacceptable.
  2. The Ministry of External Affairs asserts Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh as integral and inalienable parts of India.
  3. India opposes the inclusion of its sovereign territory in the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) initiatives.

India has unequivocally rejected a recent joint statement issued by China and Pakistan concerning the status of Jammu and Kashmir. The statement was made during Pakistan Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif's visit to Beijing. The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) of India released a firm response on Thursday, denouncing the joint declaration for its "unwarranted references to the Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir."

Randhir Jaiswal, the spokesperson for the MEA, emphasized that India's position on Jammu and Kashmir is "consistent and well-known to the concerned parties." Jaiswal reiterated that Jammu and Kashmir, along with the Union Territory of Ladakh, are integral and inalienable parts of India. He further asserted that no other country has the locus standing to comment on these regions.

The joint statement by China and Pakistan expressed opposition to any unilateral actions aimed at resolving unresolved matters in South Asia. This included specific mentions of initiatives under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), some of which are located in areas that India claims as its sovereign territory, currently under Pakistan's control. Jaiswal made it clear that India "firmly opposes and condemns any actions taken by other nations to bolster or validate Pakistan's illicit occupation of these areas, which encroach upon India's sovereignty and territorial integrity."

This stance comes amidst heightened tensions in the region, where India has consistently opposed the CPEC projects that pass through areas of Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK). India's concerns are not only about sovereignty but also about the broader implications of such infrastructure projects in a geopolitically sensitive region.

The collaborative statement from China and Pakistan following Shehbaz Sharif's briefing to Chinese leadership about the Kashmir situation has further strained relations. It underscores the strategic partnership between China and Pakistan, often at odds with Indian interests in the region. India has consistently maintained that any discussions about the status of Jammu and Kashmir must be bilateral between India and Pakistan, excluding third-party interventions.

Moreover, the MEA's assertion that Jammu and Kashmir will always remain an integral part of India is rooted in the historical context of the region. After the partition in 1947, Jammu and Kashmir acceded to India, leading to multiple conflicts and wars with Pakistan, which claims the region. The issue has remained a core dispute in Indo-Pak relations, with both countries administering parts of the territory but claiming it in full.

India's rejection of the joint statement aligns with its broader foreign policy stance of asserting territorial integrity and countering external interference. The MEA's strong language reflects India's frustration with the repeated international references to the region, particularly by China and Pakistan, which India views as attempts to undermine its sovereignty.

In summary, India's categorical rejection of the China-Pakistan joint statement on Jammu and Kashmir highlights its unwavering stance on the region's status. The MEA's response serves as a reminder of India's firm policy against any third-party involvement in the matter and its ongoing opposition to projects like CPEC that infringe upon its claimed territories. The situation underscores the complexity and sensitivity of South Asian geopolitics, where territorial disputes continue to shape the diplomatic and strategic interactions between regional powers.

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