India Strengthens Ties with Africa and Latin America to Secure Critical Minerals

Team Finance Saathi


Key Points:

India is negotiating government-to-government agreements with African and Latin American countries to secure critical mineral blocks.

Fast-tracking of domestic mineral clearances is being considered to expedite acquisition.

KABIL has secured a $24 million lithium exploration agreement in Argentina and is exploring opportunities in Africa and Australia.

India has embarked on a strategic mission to secure critical mineral resources by forging stronger ties with countries across Africa and Latin America. This initiative is crucial for India's growing need for minerals essential for various industries, including electronics, renewable energy, and electric vehicles. At a recent industry event, Ms. Veena Kumari Dermal, Joint Secretary of the Ministry of Mines, underscored the importance of these engagements, highlighting the government's efforts to establish government-to-government (G2G) agreements to secure mineral blocks on a priority basis.

Engagements with Africa and Latin America

India's outreach to Africa and Latin America is part of a broader strategy to diversify its sources of critical minerals. These regions are rich in essential resources such as lithium, cobalt, and copper, which are vital for India's industrial growth and technological advancements. "We are in extensive discussions with several resource-rich nations in Africa and Latin America to secure blocks on a G2G or priority basis," stated Ms. Dermal. This proactive approach aims to ensure a stable supply of minerals, reducing dependency on traditional sources and mitigating risks associated with supply chain disruptions.

Fast-Tracking Domestic Mineral Clearances

In addition to international efforts, India is also focusing on domestic policies to expedite the acquisition of critical minerals. The Ministry of Mines is considering measures to fast-track the clearance process for domestic mineral blocks. This move is expected to streamline operations and reduce the time required to start exploration and production activities. By simplifying regulatory procedures, India aims to attract more investments in its mining sector and enhance its mineral production capabilities.

KABIL's Strategic Initiatives

A key player in India's mineral exploration efforts is Khanij Bidesh India Ltd (KABIL), a state-owned entity tasked with securing mineral resources abroad. KABIL has been actively pursuing opportunities in Argentina, a country known for its rich lithium reserves. Earlier this year, KABIL signed a significant $24 million agreement for lithium exploration covering five blocks in Argentina. This deal marks a critical step in India's quest to secure lithium, a metal essential for the production of batteries used in electric vehicles and renewable energy storage systems.

Expanding Footprint in Argentina

KABIL's operations in Argentina represent a significant advancement in India's mineral exploration initiatives. The agreement signed earlier this year paves the way for detailed exploration and potential extraction of lithium, positioning India as a key player in the global lithium market. The exploration activities are expected to yield substantial results, contributing to India's long-term goals of achieving self-reliance in critical minerals.

Opportunities in Africa

Beyond Argentina, India's focus extends to Africa, a continent rich in a variety of critical minerals. During a March industry event, Mr. V.L. Kantha Rao, India's Mines Secretary, emphasized the country's interest in exploring mineral opportunities in Africa. The continent's vast resources, including copper and cobalt, are essential for numerous industrial applications. India's engagement with African nations aims to establish long-term partnerships and secure reliable supplies of these critical minerals.

Collaborations with Australia

In addition to its efforts in Africa and Latin America, India is also in discussions with Australia, another resource-rich nation. Australia is known for its substantial reserves of lithium, among other minerals. Collaborations with Australia are expected to further bolster India's access to critical resources, ensuring a diversified and secure supply chain. These discussions are part of India's comprehensive strategy to strengthen its mineral resource base and support its growing industrial and technological sectors.

Strategic Importance of Critical Minerals

The pursuit of critical minerals is of strategic importance to India's economic and technological future. As the demand for high-tech products and renewable energy solutions continues to rise, securing a stable supply of essential minerals becomes increasingly crucial. India's proactive approach in engaging with mineral-rich countries and fast-tracking domestic clearances demonstrates its commitment to building a robust and self-reliant mineral supply chain.


India's efforts to secure critical mineral blocks through government-to-government agreements with countries in Africa and Latin America are a testament to its strategic foresight. By diversifying its sources and establishing strong international partnerships, India aims to mitigate risks and ensure a steady supply of essential minerals. The initiatives undertaken by KABIL, including the landmark agreement in Argentina, highlight India's determination to become a key player in the global mineral market. As India continues to explore opportunities in Africa and Australia, its comprehensive approach to securing critical resources will play a pivotal role in driving its industrial and technological growth.

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