Pakistan Receives License for Largest Nuclear Plant: Chashma C-5 to Boost Power Generation

Team Finance Saathi


What's covered under the Article:

  1. Pakistan's issuance of a license for the construction of the Chashma Nuclear Power Plant C-5 and its potential impact on energy generation.
  2. Key details about the design, operational capacity, and safety features of the new plant.
  3. The economic challenges Pakistan faces while pursuing nuclear energy as a solution to its growing power needs.

Pakistan has taken a significant step toward strengthening its energy infrastructure with the approval to build the Chashma Nuclear Power Plant Unit 5 (C-5), which will be the country’s largest nuclear power plant. The Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority (PNRA) issued the licence for its construction on Thursday, marking a major development in Pakistan’s nuclear energy capabilities. The Chashma C-5 will have a generating capacity of 1200 MW, making it the largest plant in Pakistan designed for electricity generation through nuclear power.

A Key Milestone in Nuclear Energy

The Chashma Nuclear Power Plant Unit 5 will be built using a third-generation Pressurised Water Reactor (PWR) of Chinese Hualong design. This advanced reactor technology comes equipped with active and passive safety features, ensuring both nuclear safety and radiation protection. Among the notable safety mechanisms are the double-shell containment and reactor-filtered venting system, which are designed to provide maximum protection in case of any emergencies. The plant is expected to have a lifespan of 60 years and will contribute significantly to Pakistan’s energy generation capacity.

The PNRA’s press release mentioned that the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) applied for the licence earlier in April 2024, submitting detailed documents that included the Preliminary Safety Assessment Report, along with plans addressing operational safety, waste management, and nuclear security. After a thorough assessment by the regulatory authorities, which included ensuring compliance with national and international standards, the licence for the construction of the plant was granted.

A Growing Nuclear Energy Landscape

The Chashma Nuclear Power Plant C-5 will be the third nuclear power plant in Pakistan based on the Hualong reactor design, following the successful operation of the Karachi Nuclear Power Plants Units 2 and 3, which also contribute significantly to the national grid. The C-5 plant is expected to play a key role in addressing Pakistan’s growing energy needs.

The total cost of the C-5 plant is USD 3.7 billion, and it has already received approval from the Executive Committee of the National Economic Council (ECNEC). Once completed, it will add a substantial amount of power to Pakistan’s national grid, which has been struggling with energy shortages in recent years. Currently, nuclear energy accounts for approximately 27% of Pakistan’s total electricity generation, with an installed nuclear energy capacity of about 3,530 MW.

Economic and Political Challenges for Pakistan

While the Chashma C-5 is an important development, Pakistan’s economic situation remains challenging. The country is grappling with tremendous financial debt, and it has faced difficulties in securing multilateral loans or bilateral assistance without the backing of international financial organizations like the IMF. Despite these challenges, China has continued to offer financial support, with Saudi Arabia and the UAE providing selective assistance.

Pakistan’s economy has been in a freefall for several years, with rampant inflation and severe economic pressures affecting the lives of its citizens. Unemployment and poverty have increased, making it increasingly difficult for many Pakistanis to make ends meet. In this context, the construction of the Chashma C-5 nuclear plant represents a crucial move for Pakistan's energy independence, even as the country faces pressing financial and economic crises.

This nuclear project not only marks a significant step in expanding clean energy in Pakistan but also highlights the ongoing struggle for the country to stabilize its economy and ensure energy security amidst the broader geopolitical challenges it faces.

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