Prime Minister Narendra Modi Addresses Rajya Sabha, Discusses Hathras Stampede and Secularism

Team Finance Saathi


Key Points:

Prime Minister Narendra Modi responds to the Motion of Thanks on the President's address in Rajya Sabha.

PM Modi emphasizes his governance model of satisfaction (santushtikaran) over appeasement (tushtikaran).

Leader of Opposition Mallikarjun Kharge calls for legislation to prevent incidents like the Hathras stampede.

In the 2024 Parliament Session, Prime Minister Narendra Modi delivered a significant speech in the Rajya Sabha on July 3rd, responding to the Motion of Thanks on the President’s address. The session commenced at 11:00 am, with Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar offering condolences for the tragic stampede in Hathras, Uttar Pradesh, which resulted in the loss of numerous lives. The incident prompted Leader of the Opposition, Mallikarjun Kharge, to urge the government to implement legislation to prevent such tragedies in the future. In response, Chairman Dhankhar encouraged the House Leader to collaborate with the Opposition to avoid similar events.

PM Modi’s Address in Rajya Sabha

During his address, Prime Minister Modi articulated the principles guiding his administration, contrasting them with the previous governance models. He accused the opposition parties of indulging in tushtikaran (appeasement) while his government has embraced santushtikaran (satisfaction). This distinction is pivotal in understanding the current government's approach to secularism and governance.

“Our country has seen the politics of tushtikaran (appeasement) and the governance model of tushtikaran for a long time. The country has now seen a new model of secularism for the first time. Through our efforts, we have followed the idea of satisfaction (santushtikaran) and not appeasement (tushtikaran),” PM Modi asserted.

Contrast Between Tushtikaran and Santushtikaran

The terms tushtikaran and santushtikaran are crucial to comprehend the political discourse in India. Tushtikaran refers to policies aimed at appeasing specific communities or groups, often criticized for fostering divisiveness and favoritism. Santushtikaran, on the other hand, implies a holistic approach to governance, aiming to satisfy the needs of all citizens without bias.

PM Modi’s emphasis on santushtikaran highlights his administration’s focus on inclusive development and equal opportunity for all, contrasting sharply with what he describes as the opposition’s divisive policies.

Condolences and Call for Action on Hathras Stampede

The session also saw a poignant moment as Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar offered condolences for the victims of the Hathras stampede. The tragic event has sparked a debate on public safety and crowd management in India. Mallikarjun Kharge, Leader of the Opposition in Rajya Sabha, called on the government to enact robust legislation to prevent such incidents.

Kharge’s plea underscores the urgent need for comprehensive measures to ensure public safety during large gatherings. The Chairman’s suggestion for collaborative efforts between the House Leader and the Opposition reflects a consensus on the importance of addressing this issue.

Prime Minister’s Speech in Lok Sabha

A day earlier, on July 2nd, Prime Minister Modi delivered a speech in the Lok Sabha, wherein he reiterated his administration’s commitment to santushtikaran. He criticized the opposition for their reliance on tushtikaran, arguing that it has failed to deliver genuine secularism and progress.

“The politics of tushtikaran has hindered our nation’s growth. Our model of santushtikaran is about ensuring that every citizen feels satisfied and included in the nation’s development journey,” PM Modi stated.

The Need for Legislative Action

The Hathras stampede incident has brought to the forefront the need for stringent legislative measures to prevent similar tragedies. The Opposition’s call for action and the Chairman’s encouragement for collaborative efforts indicate a collective recognition of the problem. Effective legislation, coupled with proactive measures, is essential to enhance public safety and prevent such unfortunate events in the future.


The 2024 Parliament Session has been marked by significant discussions on governance, public safety, and legislative action. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s emphasis on santushtikaran over tushtikaran reflects a shift in the governance model, aiming for inclusive development and genuine secularism. The tragic Hathras stampede has highlighted the urgent need for legislative measures to ensure public safety, with leaders across the political spectrum calling for collaborative efforts to prevent such incidents.

As the session progresses, it will be crucial to monitor the developments and the government’s response to the calls for action. The discourse on tushtikaran versus santushtikaran will likely continue to shape the political landscape, influencing policies and governance in India.

This detailed overview captures the essence of the 2024 Parliament Session, focusing on Prime Minister Modi’s speeches and the critical issues discussed in Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha. The emphasis on simple and clear language, along with the highlighting of key terms, aims to make the content engaging and accessible for readers.

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