Prime Minister Narendra Modi advocates investing in resilient infrastructure to mitigate the impact

Team Finance Saathi


Key Points:

  1. Prime Minister Narendra Modi emphasizes the critical need for resilient infrastructure to combat escalating natural disasters.
  2. He highlights the interconnectedness of global resilience and the importance of collective efforts in mitigating shared risks.
  3. Modi's remarks follow a recent report identifying Asia as the most disaster-prone region, underscoring the urgency for collaborative action.

In a world increasingly threatened by the escalating frequency and severity of natural disasters, Prime Minister Narendra Modi's recent address at the 6th International Conference on Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI) stands as a clarion call to action. With a focus on building resilient infrastructure, Modi urged nations to prioritize investments that can withstand the ravages of nature. His message underscores not only the economic imperative but also the profound humanitarian impact of natural disasters on individuals, families, and communities worldwide.

Understanding the Urgency

The urgency of Modi's message cannot be overstated. The World Meteorological Organization's recent report identifying Asia as the most disaster-prone region in 2023 serves as a stark reminder of the pressing need for concerted action. From devastating floods to crippling droughts and increasingly frequent extreme weather events, the toll of natural disasters on lives and livelihoods is staggering. As climate change accelerates, the need for resilient infrastructure becomes ever more apparent.

Interconnected Resilience

Modi's call for resilient infrastructure extends beyond national borders, emphasizing the interconnected nature of global resilience. Natural disasters know no boundaries, and their impacts are felt far beyond the epicenter. By strengthening resilience collectively, nations can mitigate shared risks and build a safer, more sustainable future for all. Modi commended CDRI's focus on supporting vulnerable regions, particularly Small Island Developing States, underscoring India's commitment to inclusive, collaborative solutions.

India's Leadership and Contributions

India, under Modi's leadership, has been at the forefront of efforts to address the challenges posed by natural disasters. During its G20 presidency, India championed initiatives aimed at enhancing disaster resilience and fostering international cooperation. Modi highlighted India's contributions to the global effort, emphasizing the need for continued collaboration to tackle the growing threat of natural disasters effectively.

Investing in Resilience

Central to Modi's message is the imperative of investing in resilience. Building infrastructure that can withstand the forces of nature is not just a matter of prudent planning; it is an investment in the future. By integrating resilience into infrastructure development, nations can reduce the human and economic costs of disasters and ensure a more sustainable path to development. From retrofitting existing infrastructure to incorporating climate resilience into urban planning, the opportunities for action are manifold.

Harnessing Technology and Innovation

In the quest for resilience, technology and innovation will play a crucial role. From early warning systems to resilient building materials, advances in technology offer new tools for disaster preparedness and response. Modi emphasized the importance of harnessing innovation to enhance resilience, calling for greater collaboration between governments, academia, and the private sector to develop and deploy cutting-edge solutions.

Empowering Communities

At the heart of Modi's vision for resilience is the empowerment of communities. Building resilience is not just about constructing stronger buildings or shoring up infrastructure; it is about equipping communities with the knowledge, resources, and capacity to withstand and recover from disasters. Modi underscored the importance of community engagement in resilience-building efforts, highlighting the role of local knowledge and grassroots initiatives in enhancing resilience at the grassroots level.


Prime Minister Narendra Modi's address at the 6th International Conference on Disaster Resilient Infrastructure serves as a timely reminder of the urgent need to prioritize resilience in the face of escalating natural disasters. From investing in resilient infrastructure to fostering global cooperation and harnessing the power of technology and innovation, Modi outlined a comprehensive vision for building a safer, more resilient future for all. As the world grapples with the growing threat of climate change, Modi's call to action resonates as a beacon of hope in uncertain times.

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