Road Safety Crisis in India: Understanding the Causes and Solutions

Team Finance Saathi


Key Points:

Overspeeding and human error contribute significantly to road fatalities in India.

Deficient road engineering and inadequate safety standards exacerbate the problem.

Solutions like redesigning roads and improving pedestrian safety are critical to reducing accidents.

India faces a daunting road safety challenge, with 462 deaths daily due to road crashes, described by The Lancet as a preventable health crisis. Despite substantial investments in road infrastructure, India accounts for 22% of global road crashes. In 2022, over 168,000 fatalities and nearly half a million injuries were reported, underscoring a 9.4% rise from the previous year. These accidents inflict a significant economic toll, costing 3%-5% of India's GDP annually.

Studies attribute a majority of these incidents to human error, with 71.2% of fatalities caused by overspeeding and 5.4% by wrong-way driving. Legal frameworks often overlook the role of poor vehicle quality and infrastructure design, perpetuating risks highlighted by the Transportation Research and Injury Prevention Centre. The World Health Organization laments the prioritization of motor vehicles over safety in mobility systems worldwide.

Union Minister Nitin Gadkari acknowledges India's road safety issues stem from faulty engineering, defective project reports, and inadequate signage. Despite stringent laws, penalties like the Rs 1 lakh fine fail to deter non-compliance in a sector where road projects can exceed Rs 15 crore per km. The 2007 Sundar Committee proposed separating standards setting and compliance assessment to curb loopholes in India's road safety governance.

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Indian highways, comprising 2% of roads, account for 36% of deaths due to flawed design elements like super elevation, curve degree, and shoulder width. Inconsistent road design, as evidenced on the Mumbai-Ahmedabad highway and East Coast Road, contributes to fatalities. Research highlights the necessity of speed change lanes and design consistency to mitigate accidents, particularly involving buses and trucks responsible for 70% of fatal crashes.

The prevalence of "black spots" on national highways, identified as collision hotspots, underscores the urgent need for targeted safety measures. Vulnerable road users, including pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcyclists, face disproportionate risks due to inadequate road infrastructure favoring motor vehicles. Experts emphasize the role of pedestrian crossings, foot overbridges, and vehicle-restricted zones in enhancing safety, measures often lacking in Indian urban planning.

Efforts like the Belgaum Yaragatti Highway’s Safe Corridor Demonstration Project and the Delhi Gate Junction redesign offer promising reductions in fatalities through raised pavement markers, rumble strips, and pedestrian refuge islands. These initiatives underscore the potential of scientific road design in mitigating India's road safety crisis, highlighting the maxim that prioritizing safety saves lives.

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