Survey Highlights Alarming Burnout Rates Among Indian Employees, Stresses Workplace Inclusion

Team FS


Key Points:

1: 58% of Indian employees experience burnout, surpassing the global average by 10 percentage points, as revealed by a survey conducted by Boston Consulting Group.

2: Workplace inclusion significantly impacts burnout rates, with employees feeling more included reporting lower burnout levels. Inclusive environments foster a sense of value, respect, and belonging, thereby reducing turnover costs for businesses.

3: Certain subgroups, including women, LGBTQ+ individuals, people with disabilities, and deskless workers, experience higher burnout rates and lower inclusion levels, emphasizing the need for targeted interventions to address disparities and promote workplace equity.

A recent survey conducted by Boston Consulting Group (BCG) has shed light on the alarming prevalence of burnout among Indian employees. According to the findings, a staggering 58% of employees in India report experiencing burnout, surpassing the global average by 10 percentage points. This revelation underscores the pressing need for Indian workplaces to prioritize strategies that mitigate burnout and foster employee well-being.

The Role of Workplace Inclusion: Mitigating Burnout and Fostering Thriving Workforces
One of the key insights gleaned from the survey is the significant impact of workplace inclusion on burnout rates. The report highlights that when employees feel included at work—valued, respected, supported, and like they belong—the incidence of burnout is halved. This correlation underscores the critical role of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives in creating a conducive work environment that promotes employee well-being and organizational success.

The BLISS Index: Quantifying Inclusion and Its Effects on Burnout
BCG utilized its proprietary BLISS (Bias-Free, Leadership, Inclusion, Safety, and Support) Index to quantify feelings of inclusion among employees. The index serves as a statistically rigorous tool to identify factors that influence perceptions of inclusion in the workplace. Notably, the survey findings reveal a strong inverse relationship between inclusion and burnout rates. Employees with low inclusion scores are twice as likely to experience burnout compared to those with high inclusion scores.

Disparities Among Subgroups: Addressing Inclusion Gaps
While burnout is prevalent across all employee types, certain subgroups are disproportionately affected. Women, members of the LGBTQ+ community, people with disabilities, and deskless workers experience up to 26% higher burnout rates. Moreover, these groups report lower levels of inclusion compared to majority groups or desk-based employees. Targeted interventions are necessary to address these disparities, promote workplace equity, and create an inclusive environment where all employees can thrive.

The Imperative of Prioritizing Inclusion: Insights from India
In the Indian context, the survey findings reveal a notable correlation between companies prioritizing inclusion and a reduction in burnout rates. This observation underscores the significance of proactive measures to foster an inclusive workplace culture. By prioritizing diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives, Indian organizations can not only mitigate burnout but also enhance employee engagement, retention, and overall organizational performance.

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