Threatened Traditional Medicine Practitioner Returns Padma Shri Award Amid Naxalite Threats

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Key Points:
                     1: Hemchand Manjhi, known as Vaidyaraj, decides to return his Padma Shri award and cease medical practice due to threats from Naxalites.                                                   2: Naxalites accuse Manjhi of involvement in an iron ore project, which he vehemently denies, citing his lifelong service in traditional medicine.                                                 3: The ongoing opposition to the Aamdai Ghati iron ore project highlights the challenges faced by individuals dedicated to public service in conflict-affected                                 areas.

Hemchand Manjhi, affectionately known as Vaidyaraj, has made a difficult decision amidst escalating threats from Naxalites. The 72-year-old traditional medicine practitioner, hailing from Narayanpur district, recently received the prestigious Padma Shri award for his significant contributions to traditional medicine. However, his joy was short-lived as threats from Naxalites forced him to reconsider his stance.

The genesis of this turmoil stems from accusations leveled against Manjhi regarding his alleged involvement in the Aamdai Ghati iron ore project in Chhotedongar. Naxalites have vehemently opposed this project, viewing it as detrimental to the interests of local communities and the environment. Despite Manjhi's repeated denials of any association with the project, the Naxalites persisted in their accusations, escalating their tactics to intimidation and violence.

The recent incident involving the destruction of mobile towers and the dissemination of threatening pamphlets bearing Manjhi's image underscores the severity of the situation. Such acts of aggression not only target individuals but also instill fear within communities, disrupting the fabric of societal harmony and progress.

In a courageous yet heartbreaking decision, Hemchand Manjhi announced his intention to return the Padma Shri award and withdraw from his medical practice. This choice reflects the profound impact of the threats on his personal safety and well-being, as well as the safety of his family. Despite dedicating his life to serving others through traditional medicine, Manjhi finds himself at odds with forces beyond his control, threatening to extinguish his passion and purpose.

The tragic loss of Manjhi's nephew, Komal Manjhi, at the hands of Naxalites underscores the gravity of the situation. Despite seeking refuge in Narayanpur town and living under police protection, Manjhi and his family continue to face the specter of violence and intimidation. The lack of adequate housing and amenities further compounds their plight, highlighting the need for robust support mechanisms from the administration.

The broader ramifications of Manjhi's decision reverberate across the landscape of public service and activism. His resignation serves as a poignant reminder of the challenges faced by individuals dedicated to serving their communities amidst conflict and turmoil. Moreover, it underscores the imperative for concerted efforts to address the root causes of such conflicts, fostering an environment conducive to peace, progress, and inclusive development.

The Aamdai Ghati iron ore project, mired in controversy and opposition, stands as a symbol of discord and division. While economic interests clash with environmental concerns, the human toll exacted by such conflicts remains incalculable. Manjhi's plight serves as a clarion call for justice, accountability, and empathy in navigating the complex terrain of development and progress.

In conclusion, Hemchand Manjhi's decision to return his Padma Shri award underscores the profound impact of Naxalite threats on individuals dedicated to public service. His sacrifice should galvanize efforts to address the underlying issues fueling conflict and injustice, paving the way for a more equitable and harmonious society.

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