Venmax Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Announces Resignation of Managing Director

Team Finance Saathi


What's covered under the Article:

  1. Venmax Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Limited has accepted the resignation of Mr. Nooka Krishnaiah as the Managing Director.
  2. The resignation was due to personal reasons, and no material reasons were stated.
  3. The company has provided details required by SEBI in compliance with listing regulations.

Venmax Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Limited has officially announced the resignation of Mr. Nooka Krishnaiah (DIN: 07279009) from his role as the Managing Director of the company, effective December 27, 2024. The Board of Directors has accepted the resignation and acknowledged the contributions Mr. Krishnaiah made during his tenure. The resignation was due to personal reasons, and no material reasons were provided by the director for stepping down from his position.

As per SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, the company has disclosed the necessary details surrounding Mr. Krishnaiah's resignation. The board has also authorized Mr. Dasi Reddy Rakesh (DIN: 07112785), a Director of the company, to sign all necessary documents related to the submission of this disclosure to the Stock Exchange and other statutory authorities.

SEBI Disclosure Details:

In compliance with Regulation 30 of SEBI Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements, the company has shared the following information:

  • Reason for Resignation: Personal reasons; no material reasons were mentioned.
  • Date of Cessation: December 27, 2024.
  • Membership in Board Committees: Mr. Krishnaiah was a member of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee and has ceased to be a member effective December 27, 2024.
  • Impact on Directorship: He automatically ceased to hold the position of Managing Director and membership of the board committees.

The resignation is in line with the company’s regulatory obligations under SEBI’s rules for listed companies. For any further developments or news regarding corporate governance and compliance with SEBI regulations, stay connected with Finance Saathi.

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